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Watermelon + Ice + Blender = A Cool Watermelon Hydration Drink

Can you believe it’s fall already? The kids are back into their school routine and fall sports are under way. Strange thing, the weather in upstate NY has not resembled a typical fall pattern and it’s been HOT, like your glad you didn’t close the pool yet type hot. I’m not complaining, my peppers and cherry tomatoes plants are thriving :>)

With the crazy heat wave, one of the ways I have been trying to keep my kids hydrated while they are in school is packing watermelon as one of their snacks. Just one cup of watermelon contains over 90% water, 11 grams of natural sugars and 2 grams of sodium. All the ingredients needed for a natural electrolyte to keep them hydrated. Plus, it is a great source of potassium and Vitamin C to help aid in preventing cramps and promotes healing.

Last weekend, I made what I called "Watermelon Slushies" for my daughter’s softball team as a natural hydration drink. Just as our kids are out on the field playing in the unseasonably hot weather, parents are on the side lines cheering them on, so I made enough to share with parents of course!

Here's my recipe for you to share with your family as well :>)


Watermelon Slushies

By Jennifer Bannigan MS RDN

Servings: 12


6lbs watermelon (seedless preferred)

2 cups ice (or more depending on juice level of watermelon)


  1. Cut water melon into 3-inch slices and place in blender.

  2. Add ice and blend until mixture becomes a slushy constancy.

  3. Poor into cups and enjoy!

*Depending on type of blender you have, you might have to make in two batches.

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